Veteran's Help with Addiction: There is assistance, you are not alone.
Multiple deployments to combat zones can cause stress to veterans and their families. That stress coupled with illnesses and/or injuries can put our nations veterans at risk for substance abuse disorders. Addiction can further delay our Combat Veterans as they come home and reintegrate back into civilian life. Our Warfighters need to know they are not alone. Below are some websites and numbers of places to help.
VA & Addiction Assistance
VA Websites for Assistance with Addiction
- Tobacco Addiction:
- Alcohol Addiction:,TJ2328_VA
- Substance Addiction:
- Self-Help Resources:
Local Addiction Assistance
Insert local addiction agencies
National Addiction Assistance
There are national companies and non-profit organizations who have programs and material to help with various types of addiction. *
***These sites are not intended to replace professional treatment, only as a guide to potential help*** fueled by Advanced Recovery Systems:
***These sites are not intended to replace professional treatment, only as a guide to potential help*** fueled by Advanced Recovery Systems:
- Alcohol Addiction:
- Drug Addiction:
- Prescription Addiction:
- Addiction help for Veterans:
- For more info you can call them at (877) 695-5395
- "Veterans & Addiction" A Guide to help our Veterans get through their Addiction -
- Any questions or for more info contact Rosemary Williams: [email protected]
- Veterans and Drug Addiction:
- Veterans and Alcohol Addiction:
- Veterans and Opioid Addiction:
- Multiple Addictions & Disorders Info:
Mobile Apps to Help with Addiction
***These apps are not intended to replace professional treatment. Consult your Primart Care Provider when using these apps.***
- Quit Smoking: App that helps Veterans with quitting smoking. Stay Quit Coach is based on the smoking treatment manual "Integrated Care for Smoking Cessation".
- Click here for iTunes (IOS) Google Play (Android)
- VetChange: App to help Veterans and Service Members who are concerned about their drinking and how it relates to PTSD after deployment and for those interested in developing healthier drinking habits.
- Click here for iTunes (IOS) Google Play (Android): Not available yet